Wednesday, 24 June 2015

42 - Guard fitted

 I finished the guard by fabricating a little stay and getting it welded on. I know the original was riveted but I opted for welding.

 Next on the list of things to do was make a brake rod. I bought a piece of 6mm stainless and bent and threaded the ends. I didn't like the way it just touched against the spring of the shock absorber so I put a little joggle in it to make a bit of clearance, looks much better now.

 I made the winged adjuster nut from stainless steel. Just a piece of bar drilled and threaded, then two little slots milled to hold the wings in place while I brazed them in. The front end was radiused with a cutter to stop it turning against the barrel. 

1 comment:

  1. The bike is looking great, everything is really well made and well thought out. The brake adjuster is a real beaut.
