Saturday, 3 May 2014

17 - A few new parts arrive

 Last week I emailed Jeff at in the USA. They have available a few parts which I couldn't find anywhere in the UK. I first enquired about the engine filler plugs, and after a couple of friendly emails back and forth I bought these plus a couple of small rubber items that I thought might be good to fit during the rebuild.

Above :
rubber tank rests for the frame gusset and the stud on the top tube. Ignition cable grommet and the primary and gearbox filler plugs.

 The filler plugs are very good quality. Here it is again beside the original and one that I had made myself from aluminium.

 Also this week a new Pirelli back tyre arrived in the post as well as bearings for the crankshaft, and I got a message from the chrome platers to say the spoke carrier from the back wheel was ready, so that should arrive soon. Hopefully by next weekend I'll have the back wheel assembled again. Work wise I didn't get much done other than more washing and cleaning of the gearbox internals.


  1. I'm assuming the original plug is the one on the right, you did a good job making one, if it's one of the other two, which one did you make?

  2. I made the aluminium one in the middle.
